Ipply Academy Inc


Why Do High-Paying Tech Jobs Go Unfilled?

The United States technology industry continues to struggle to recruit new talent. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of people employed in technology is not increasing quickly.

Tech jobs pay well and don’t have the drawbacks of some other in-demand jobs, such as the travel schedule of a truck driver or the physically taxing labor required in oil fields.

Tech jobs are sometimes touted as a guarantee of having a comfortable and rewarding career, but the reality is not that simple.

Economics suggests that high wages would eliminate labor shortages, but that’s not the case in tech work. Why?

In this paper, authors Joy Buchanan and Henry Kronk propose a set of factors that have been overlooked and apply broadly to the tech sector.

Individuals with high-status tech jobs report burnout, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues at higher rates than the general population. They also have to deal with the constant threat of becoming obsolete. Because technology changes so quickly, they must constantly work to update their skills in order to remain competitive.

The authors offer several recommendations for tech companies, educators, and policymakers:

  • Political and community leaders can provide more accurate messaging such as communicating clearer expectations about the difficulties of entering the tech workforce.
  • The tech industry could benefit from improvements in computer education. The authors cite a need for more pre-college exposure to computer occupations as well as a need to add communication skills to computer science curriculums.
  • Teachers, parents, and tech companies can all find ways to inform young people at an age-appropriate level about opportunities. Computer science is abstract and hard to understand. Young people who have some exposure to computer science through a class or camp are more likely to become CS majors in college.
  • Company leaders can improve their recruitment and development strategies to reflect the labor market realities including paying enough to compensate employees for the mental challenges of demanding technical work and alleviating their own talent shortages by investing in training and education.
  • Tech companies may be able to attract more women and minorities by improving their scheduling and management practices.

Source: Utah State University

Employee turnover dynamics in the hospitality industry vs. the overall economy

High employee turnover is a widely known reality for the hospitality industry. However, the extent to which employee turnover in the hospitality industry depends on overall economic activities or idiosyncratic characteristics of the hospitality industry is not clear. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which the employee turnover rate in the hospitality industry is sensitive to the overall US economy. Also, the COVID-19-pandemic has further exacerbated an already convoluted issue of employee turnover for hospitality businesses. Therefore, we further investigate the extent to which employee turnover rate in the hospitality industry are sensitive to the overall US economy during the pandemic period. The results show that employee turnover in the hospitality industry has the highest sensitivity to the economy. However, employee turnover in the hospitality industry decreases the most in the overall US economy when economy-wide turnover increases. The theoretical and practical implications are extensively discussed.

  • 1) To what extent are employee turnover rates in the hospitality industry different from employee turnover rates in the overall U.S. economy and other sectors of the economy?
  • 2) To what extent do employee turnover rates in the hospitality industry change due to changes in employee turnover rates in the overall U.S. economy (i.e., to what extent are employee turnover rates in the hospitality industry economy-driven)?
  • 3) If economy driven effects were to be detected, would the effects be similar when economy-wide turnover is increasing, versus when economy-wide turnover is decreasing?
  • 4) To what extent do employee turnover rates in the hospitality industry change irrespectively of the changes in employee turnover rates in the overall U.S. economy (i.e., to what extent are employee turnover rates in the hospitality sector industry-driven)?
  • 5) To what extent does the recent COVID-19 pandemic affect these relationships?

Source: Science Direct

Why Employers Partner with Ipply Academy

Apprenticeship Hiring Methods

Employers are having problems in finding and retaining skilled and highly skilled workers in many industries to fill open positions. A root problem is an insufficient number of skilled workers. Today’s changing employment landscape leaves many employers searching for qualified employees. Helping you compete and expand is a central goal for Ipply Education Services.

In addition to our core mission, we provide customized training and technical assistance for employers worldwide. We offer the latest technology on our campus and online courses. We have the first-ever employer-focused registered apprenticeship program providing employers with a continuous pipeline of an employee who is highly skilled. Our talent meets the needs of employers for now and in the future.

 Our Why is Your Why

Companies are creating more and more digital and technology-driven positions. Organizations like yours and ours are addressing these issues. IPPLY Education Services programs are designed to complement a student’s academic certification programs that are carefully blended employer-focused custom-designed training and certification degree programs based on employer needs. This creates multiple solutions to the hiring needs of employers and the answer to your why.

Why should my business want to use apprentice hiring methods instead of traditional hiring methods?

Staffing company and job boards have made billions of dollars matchmaking candidates for companies trying to hire the right person. Staffing companies charge anywhere from 40% -55% just for short term temps and high fees for direct hires. Then there are job boards that have monthly fees upwards of hundreds to thousands of dollars based on company size. Another hassle for employers with a high cost and little return on investment.

The hiring process for employers has been like going on a blind date, with that in mind; staffing companies and job boards have utilized this hassle for employers by becoming middlemen to screen candidates. Then if the candidate does not match what you are looking for and the wait begins another candidate.

Apprentice Hiring Methods  

We at Ipply Academy have developed the most advanced employer-focused hiring methods on the market. We have eliminated the guesswork of the traditional hiring process to deliver a seamless continuous pipeline of plug and work professional highly skilled workers.

Those other Collage Expenses.

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